Brad and Kate Silberberg were artists, teachers, counselors, intuitive healers, spiritual leaders, and visionaries. They were old souls and Twin Flame Spirits who have came to this life to help bring change for the Earth and Humanity. Kate returned to the Spirit World on May 15th, 2013 after a heroic ten month journey with pancreatic cancer. Her legacy lives on.
Drawn together by their common interest in art, Native American culture, and spirituality, Brad and Kate founded The Mesa Creative Arts Center and Mesa Healing Center to be an assembly point and launch pad for that change. While seeking to heal themselves and recover their own Soul Nature, they have endeavored to help others do the same, teaching them to face their fears and traumas and heal and release them not only holistically but creatively. While neither Brad nor Kate have had children of their own in this lifetime, they know they have been here to help the children of Light upright themselves, whether they are just 8 yrs old or 88. As adult Indigo Children, they have been here to usher in a New Earth based on Love, Compassion, Peace, shared abundance, and higher consciousness for all. As Twin Flames, they channeled energy and Light for the upliftment of others, acting as bridges from higher energies to a level that even spiritual beginners can access. Highly individual and sometimes very opposite in nature, they learned to use their skills and talents to complement each other without competing or blurring together. They were granted the gift of being together again in the flesh to be examples of loving relationship between male and female, man and woman and to act as spiritual pioneers to blaze a trail for others to follow.
The Silberbergs have studied holistic and natural healing methods from around the world and have developed new ones of their own as alternative ways of helping people physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They have come to understand that their role as healers is not to attempt to “fix” others, but to teach people how to heal themselves and open to Life while giving them support and assistance in times of crisis or pain. They have taught art and the hand-making of things not only as a tool for self expression, but as Transformation Art, a mode of self-discovery and deep healing that takes Art Therapy from psychology to a spiritual level. They are the developers of Send Back Technique , Magical Thinking Healing, and Guided Head Movement Healing, brand new modalities for understanding the workings of our inner minds that involve discovering and healing our internal beliefs and self-definitions. The couple have been motivators, “fire-starters”, and compassionate listeners who brought people together for a higher good. Brad continues to teach people at The Mesa and around the country to increase their awareness of the spiritual (rather than simply physical) basis of their Reality.
While neither Brad nor Kate were Native American by blood in this lifetime, they are “Red at Heart”, having studied and embraced the philosophy, spirituality, world view, and crafts of First Nations people. They have made Native American wisdom ways part of their spiritual and ethical path. At The Mesa, they taught others by word and by deed the concept of “All My Relations”, the idea that everything in the Universe is our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters. They endorse finding ways to accept and deal with all energies, all situations, all Spirits, All My Relations, in Ceremony and in daily life. Together they built The Mesa Medicine Wheel as a focal point for Native American teachings, ceremony, and prayer and teach classes in Native American crafts, healing methods, and relation with the natural and spiritual world.
Our Mission Statement: “THY WILL BE DONE.”
Brad Silberberg grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore, MD, and attended the University of Maryland, graduating with a degree in Studio Art. He then became interested in blacksmithing as a way to make tools for wood sculpture and lathe turning. This led him to a long career as a metal artist and blacksmith, establishing Bradley Metal Design, Inc. in Silver Spring, MD in 1986. He remained in the Washington, DC metro area and spent most of his adult life there until he met Kate and moved to southwestern Pennsylvania.
After the long illness and death of his first wife, Brad realized he needed to walk his own spiritual path and became interested in Native American spirituality and holistic healing, studying with a Lakota holy man who had been his drawing professor in college. A Cherokee craftsman taught him how to make and play cedar flutes and he used them to help heal his Spirit. On a trip to Israel, Brad became acquainted with flower essences and learned about their use and preparation, eventually making his own vibrational remedies from cultivated and wild plants. This led to the creation of his first Medicine Wheel as a garden to grow plants for flower essences. Brad went on to study many religions, spiritual disciplines, and healing modalities, becoming certified as a Reiki Master, Magnified Healing practitioner, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Sound Healer (with Solfeggio tuning forks), and Melody Crystal Healer. In May of 2003, Brad was ordained as a Minister and Pastoral Councilor by The Community of the Whole Person (a non-religious spiritual organization based in the Washington, DC area) and conducted his first wedding ceremony in May of 2004.
Brad has combined his gifts as an empath and sensitive “energy connoisseur” with his artistic and mechanical abilities to create healing energy tools out of metal, glass, clay, wood, and other materials. His making of flower essences led him to discover the Genesa Crystal, a sacred geometry energy sphere that we now call a Heliosphere. He has continued to experiment with and create many objects that generate or channel metaphysical energy for healing, clearing and charging, bringing change, and accessing other dimensions. In June of 2006 he was given the vision that became Send Back Technique, a method of healing negative beliefs and thought patterns inherited from our ancestors or arising from current or past life experiences. This work led to the appearance of Magical Thinking Healing, an extremely fast and effective method of reversing negative self-images and emotional blocks in December of 2008.
Brad is internationally known for his metal art and has taught blacksmithing to groups across the US and around the world. His work has been featured in American Craft, Architectural Digest, and The Anvil's Ring magazines and several books on metalwork. Brad's work is in the permanent collection of the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and The National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis, TN.
The late Kate (Neal) Silberberg (4/7/59-5/15-13) grew up in Mt. Lebanon, PA. She attended Edinboro University near Erie, PA, graduating with degrees in Art Education and Commercial Art. Kate later received her Elementary Education Certification from The University of Pittsburgh. She taught in the West Allegheny School District for over 22 years, teaching social studies, life science, and art at the middle school level. She was a sensitive healer and an accomplished artist with special gifts for beadwork, painting, drawing, and calligraphy.
After experiencing the illness and death of both of her parents and breakup of her first marriage, Kate found herself going inward to find her center, and an interest in Native American culture that started in childhood blossomed, leading her to attend Pow-Wows, make Native American crafts, and change her outlook on the world . When she met Brad, Kate began to study healing and energy work, becoming certified in Reiki, Magnified Healing, Crystal Healing, and Sound Healing. She taught herself about aroma therapy and her lifelong interest in seashells developed into her use of these gifts from the ocean as tools for healing and divination. She had pioneered healing by holding or laying seashells on the body and regularly gave seashell readings at The Mesa and local spirit fairs.
Kate had a great affinity for Fairies and other “wee folk” and looked after the ones in and around The Mesa, building “fairy houses” for them to live in and setting out incense and little gifts for them. A magnet for children, her patience, kindness, and easy grasp of her own “inner child” enabled her to help the child in everyone to feel safe and loved enough to come out and play, make art, or tell of their hurts. She was the driving force behind the Mesa Gift Shop and found unique and meaningful books, divination card decks, and other things to delight, educate, and uplift visitors. She took it upon herself to study the healing properties of many of the healing rocks and crystals we carry and graciously educated our customers about which stones to buy for themselves, pets, or loved ones. She also produced handmade greeting cards, jewelry, dreamcatchers, leather work, custom drum bags, and other fine crafts for the store.
“Sedona Arizona”, The Mesa Cat
The only full-time resident of The Mesa Creative Arts Center is our cat, “Sedona Arizona”. She showed up on our front porch in September of 2007, emaciated and obviously nursing. We fed her a can of tuna, gave her water, and she promptly led us to her five kittens. We found homes for all of the little ones, but kept looking into the knowing eyes of this young mother, wondering what else she was trying to tell us. It was plain to us from the start that she was a Healing Being and we pondered what life would be like if we let her stay. Within a day or so Kate named her “Sedona” and we were hers.
Our loving and entertaining feline has proven to be a delight to visitors and very gentle and tolerant with children. She loves to have her tummy rubbed, and if you’re lucky she’ll honor you by dropping one of her pipe cleaner “binkies” in front of you, asking you to play. Sedona always knows who needs a healing and once sat in a sad visitor’s lap for an entire day. This tabby cat knows energy work and shows up immediately if someone in the vicinity is being given a healing, frequently putting her paws up on them to help out. You can often find her sleeping on top of the quartz crystal case in the gift shop, curled up on our Mother Drum, or some other high energy spot. During our Meditation Circle, we have to lock her out of the room or she will “do laps”, jumping from one meditator’s lap to the next around and around the circle, just to check in with everyone. She loves Yoga class and goes from mat to mat, sometimes standing under one of our students while they do “Down Dog”. Always the center of attention, she will lie sprawled out next to the cash register in the gift shop when people are checking out, or flop down in the middle of a workbench during craft classes. Sedona is fascinated by water and the sink in the workshop is her domain. Just turn on the water and she’ll be right there, wanting a drink from the faucet.
Sedona says: “Won’t you come and visit me for a little ‘cat therapy’?”
The Silberbergs are completely devoted to their work at The Mesa and with their spiritually-based company (Mesa Creative Arts, Inc.) and don’t have other “job-jobs”. So far, they have chosen not to become a non-profit enterprise so as to retain freedom and control so that Spirit can guide the direction of The Mesa. They have continued their work at great personal expense and sacrifice, but are committed to what they see as their service to their Creator and Humanity. You can support their efforts by volunteering your time, attending classes, buying their art and crafts, becoming a healing client or by making a monetary donation.
Pilamaya aloh. (“Thank you very much.”)