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Articles About Healing, Metaphysics, Spiritual Energy, Consciousness

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Just click the links below to read articles of interest pertaining to Holistic Healing, Art and Creativity, Metaphysics, Human Energy and Spiritual Anatomy, Psychology, Personal Spirituality, and more.

Benefits of the Amethyst Bio-mat
   Read about the benefits of this amazing healing device and our experience with using it.

What is Holistic Healing?
   What is meant by “Holistic” healing and how is it different from Allopathic (The body as machine) medicine.

Why Western Medicine (Drug and surgery based care) Isn’t Working.
How our medical system has turned Healthcare into for-profit illness management.

What is Natural Healing?
What is meant by the term “Natural” healing.

What is Wellness?
What constitutes “wellness” and how it differ from healing.

What is “Energy” and How Does It Affect Me?
What is this moving Universal “energy” everyone is talking about in alternative healing and how does it affect me? 

Sensing Etheric or Spiritual Energy (Life Force Energy)
Some pointers on how to sense subtle energies from people, places, and things.

Clearing, Charging, and Activating Energy
What is meant by clearing and charging crystals, water, etc., and how do I do it.

Vibrational Healing
What’s all this talk about “vibrational” healing?  How it works and how it can help you.

Spiritual Healing
What constitutes Spiritual Healing and how it differs from other types of Holistic Healing.

Stress and Stress Reduction
Learn the sources of stress we face in our modern world and simple techniques to reduce it in your life.

Getting the Healing Help You Need
How to select healing help that’s right for you.

Invoking the Soul (The Soul Invocation)
Reciting this little poem or prayer can add tremendous power to spiritual work and other aspects of life.

Should Drums be Sold in Pharmacies?
   Drumming has documented health benefits and is accessible to all.

A Free Mandala to Print, Color, and Enjoy
   Here’s a page to download a free PDF of a blank (not colored in) Mandala drawn by Mesa Co-director, Kate Silberberg.


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Brad Silberberg is an artist and holistic healer who envisioned The Mesa Creative Arts Center and Mesa Healing Center as a place of awakening for art, healing, and spiritual expansion.

Mesa Creative Arts, Inc.,   30 Miller Business Park Drive, Burgettstown, PA 15021    (724) 947-3097

Copyright ©2004-14 All Rights Reserved by  Mesa Creative Arts, Inc.