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The Mesa Creative Arts Center Presents This Special Event

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Coyote Magic*
A weekend of Healing, Storytelling, and Narrative Trancework
With Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.

Author of Coyote Medicine, Coyote Healing,
Coyote Wisdom, Narrative Medicine, and Healing the Mind Through the Power of Story.

Lewis MehlMadrona
 “The need for Ceremony is in our DNA…”

November 12-14, 2010

Dr. Mehl-Madrona will be returning to The Mesa Creative Arts Center for an exciting new workshop, December 2-4, 2011.
Stay tuned for the new topic...

Location: The Mesa Creative Arts Center
30 Miller Business Park Dr.  Burgettstown, PA  15021

Overview:  In this event we will further explore the magic of change and transformation, including the art of bringing more magic into our lives.  We will focus upon energy healing and storytelling, and will reflect upon magic as what happens through interconnectedness.  We will bring in some elements of trance and storytelling and will aim to assist people to further their personal healing and/or to further develop their professional practices in the healing arts.

Breakdown of individual sessions:

Nov 12:  Introduction to Coyote Magic.
  Friday night, 7-9:30pm.  Stories are more than metaphors in our lives. In this session, we will explore the links between energy medicine, hypnosis and storytelling. We will learn experientially about the basic connection between the storytelling in indigenous healing and the way it is used to move and unblock energy.  Single session fee: $45 prepaid, $55 at the door.

Nov 13:  Deeper into the Magic.
  Saturday, 9am-6pm.  On Saturday, we will begin to more deeply explore the connections in energy work, story and trance work, and will begin to learn how to listen to ourselves and each other in order to create the stories that best work for our own or a client's healing.  Single session fee: $130 prepaid, $145 at the door.

Nov 14:  Community Healing.
  Sunday, 9:30am-12:30pm.  On Sunday, we will consolidate the lessons of the day before, and will create a healing ceremony that will invite participants to consider the force of group intention and community in energy medicine.  We will create and enact a group healing story.  Single session fee: $60 prepaid, $70 at the door.  A Sweat Lodge Ceremony led by Dr. Mehl-Madrona will be held for workshop participants and all of our Mesa community Sunday afternoon.  (See below.)

Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD, graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine and trained in family medicine, psychiatry, and clinical psychology.  He has been on the faculties of several medical schools, and helped found the alternative healing unit at UPMC Shadyside.  He is the author of Coyote Medicine, Coyote Healing, Coyote Wisdom, and Narrative Medicine, a quartet of books on what Native culture has to offer the modern world, and has just released his most recent work, Healing the Mind Through the Power of Story: The Promise of Narrative Psychiatry.  Lewis is of Cherokee and Lakota heritage and works with aboriginal communities to develop uniquely aboriginal styles of healing and health care for use in those communities.  He is currently affiliated with the Coyote Institute in S. Burlington, VT and Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.

See a YouTube video of Dr. Mehl-Madrona talking about mind, story, and how they affect us here.

Nov 14:  Sweat Lodge Ceremony.  Sunday afternoon: preparations starting around 11am, fire to be lit around noon, ceremony to commence around 2pm.  Potluck meal to follow ceremony.  Join us as we go into the Lodge for purification and healing of body, mind, and spirit.  Dress for Lodge Ceremony: Shorts with or without shirts for men, T-shirts and shorts or cotton dresses for women.  Please note that women on their Moon Time will be asked to pray outside of the Lodge.  Bring a small towel for inside the Lodge, large ones to dry off with afterwards, and blankets/appropriate outer gear to suit the weather.  Ceremony will be led by Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona.  Your donation helps support our healing work at The Mesa.  Help with Lodge preparation before the ceremony and cleanup afterwards is needed as well as supplies of firewood, stones, blankets, water, etc.  We will need volunteers to act as fire and door keepers during the ceremony.  (Please note that space in the Lodge is limited and will be first allotted to Coyote Magic workshop full weekend participants.)

Full weekend fee: $220 if pre-registered and paid by October 30, $240 after.
Payment by the session as noted.
Space is limited, register early!

Lodging is available in nearby Weirton West Virginia.  (Baymont Inn and Suites, Holiday Inn), or close to The Mesa at the budget-priced Florence Motel.

Make checks payable to: Mesa Creative Arts

PLEASE NOTE:  Dr. Mehl-Madrona will offer just a few private healing sessions on Friday, 11/12 in the afternoon.  Sessions will be scheduled first come, first served in one hour time blocks.  (Please call 724-947-3097 for your appointment.)

Dr. Mehl-Madrona does not charge for his healing services, but a donation is appropriate and appreciated.  The amount of your donation should be based on your own situation and what the healing is worth to you.  Keeping in mind the prevailing rates for healing services in the Pittsburgh area would be a good guideline for your donation.

For information or registration:
Brad and Kate Silberberg
The Mesa Creative Arts Center
Burgettstown, PA  15021


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Brad Silberberg is an artist and holistic healer who envisioned The Mesa Creative Arts Center and Mesa Healing Center as a place of awakening for art, healing, and spiritual expansion.

Mesa Creative Arts, Inc.,   30 Miller Business Park Drive, Burgettstown, PA 15021    (724) 947-3097

Copyright ©2004-14 All Rights Reserved by  Mesa Creative Arts, Inc.