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Sensing Spiritual Energy- Ways to Feel or Sense Healing & Subtle Energy

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What is Spiritual Energy?

First of all, we are not talking about “ghosts” here, but the spiritual (not religious) level vibrational radiance from all matter in all dimensions, including non-physical ones.  This is the emanation of the clear, clean, loving, primordial energy that allows things to exist.  One day soon this energy will be universally recognized as the basic organizational level of all things.  It is Creational energy coming through as the signature vibrations of individuated forms.  Science does not yet have a way to reliably detect or measure this energy nor do the inane “ghostbusters” on TV shows.  Fortunately, we can use our own higher senses to perceive and evaluate these higher vibrational frequencies.  We can also tap into and make use of them to expand our consciousness, heal ourselves, help others, communicate with higher dimensions, and move forward on our path.

There are also subtle energies that are not so spiritual in nature.  These are the vibrations of unbalanced, unloving, or disorganized thoughts, emotions, actions, and intentions from human Souls here on Earth or on the Other Side.  These energies surround us all of the time and can detrimentally affect us along with the subtle frequencies of electromagnetic devices like cellphones, high tension wires, computers, microwaves, etc.  You may have sensed that you’ve been affected by some of them without being fully aware of it.  Not to worry.  As you learn to perceive subtle energies, you can also learn ways remediate the detrimental ones.  Read on...

When and how do people notice or feel subtle or spiritual "energy"?

People sense subtle energy in different ways. Not everyone feels it bodily.  Some people perceive it as colored light, “hear” it as a rising or falling sound or just "know" it.  Some sense it in multiple ways at the same time or in succession.  Some people can tell what consciousness, emotional, or situational “labels” are attached to subtle energy since energy can carry all possible outcomes at the same time.  This is in fact what physicists have seen on the smallest level of matter, the Quantum level, where a particle can exist at many places at the same time yet still be only one “thing”.

To notice these subtle energies, you have to know that Spiritual energy exists.  Understand that these Spiritual forces are not nearly as physically strong or readily noticeable to our five senses as the other kinds of energy (movement or Kinetic energy, heat, light, sound, electricity, gravity, etc.) that people interact with every day.  If you've ever been "zapped" with electricity, you know what we're talking about.  Those energies we usually register only with our five senses of touch, taste, smell, feel, sight, or hearing.  They are usually overtly apparent to us, even in relatively small amounts or strength as we have the ability to see in relatively dim light, sense minute temperature changes, or feel the brush of a hair against our skin.  You've learned to hold your hand over a stove burner to feel if there is heat energy coming off of it before you touch it and can feel it quite far away if you tune in to the feeling of “heat”.  If you pay attention, you may even be able to feel light falling upon your skin.  What you notice, you are conscious of and what you are conscious of, you notice.  So too with subtle energies:

Mesa Creative Arts Center Director, Brad Silberberg says this about sensing subtle energies:  "When doing healing work or work with energy tools, I will often feel with my left hand by placing it on or near the source.  I may feel a tingling or pushing sensation or feel a kind of heat coming from them, but not the kind of heat from a flame.  This mostly tells me the strength and balance of the energy.  I may feel other qualities contained by or attached to the energy somewhere inside of ‘me’ as well and use my practiced discernment to decode it.  I sense energy with my whole physical body, my aura, chakras, and my expanded consciousness; what I call my 'Felt Sense'.  I believe I’m processing these sensations, in part, by using some of the 90% of my Human brain that Science says we ‘don't use’ because they don't understand subtle energy, how to detect, or measure it because it’s not electrical or chemical.  It's nonsense to me to think that so much of our brain is useless tissue.  Nature and Creation would not have wasted that space.

I have always perceived other people's emotions, state of mind, state of openness or closed-ness, denseness or lightness, high or low vibrational frequency, general health, and other information this way, often feeling it as if I am 'having' them myself.  Over time I have learned how to interpret a great deal of what I pick up empathically with my Felt Sense and to widen my perception to other energies.  I am still learning ways to sense, interpret, and work with inter-dimensional energies and the fundamental structural energies at the Spiritual/Creational level of matter that I 'know' are there all around us.  Doing hands-on energy healing work with people, animals, and plants (e.g. Reiki, White Light, Sound Healing) interacting with crystals, and building and working with energy/healing tools have helped me to hone my perception and interpretation of subtle energies."

Can just anyone feel these energies?

We are ALL sensitive to subtle energies, but as a species have largely forgotten how to notice and interpret them.  You’ve probably had myriad energy-sensing experiences without recognizing them.  One of the easiest energies to notice is “people energy”.  (Why do you think shopping malls feel like they do?)  Have you ever had the experience of pulling up at a traffic light and looking at the guy in the car next to you, only to have him turn and look back at you?  Why did he do that?  Because he FELT your attention energy and your consciousness focused at him and turned to see where it was coming from.  His animal instincts told him to do so because some part of him was sensing that energy.  Have you ever felt someone looking at you or felt someone silently enter a room behind your back?

Whether you realize it or not, you've likely already had experiences with feeling the Life Force or thought energies of people or places yourself.  You've probably walked into a restaurant or motel room and just felt an uncomfortable "something" that made you decide to leave.  If you thought about it at the time, you may have been able to describe it as a heaviness, staleness, sadness, or dullness.  You may have even felt an uncomfortable humming or buzzing sensation somewhere in your body.  You probably took your business to another establishment where you found the place feeling lighter, calmer, or happier somehow.

If you were to sit in a circle with a group of total strangers, besides what you see and hear you’d likely be noticing all kinds of things about them with your higher senses.  If you turned your attention to each one in turn, you might find one person to seem happier and one sadder, one angrier or one more withdrawn.  One person might feel “brighter” or “shinier” somehow while another might have a “dullness” about them.  There might even be one person for whom you get a feeling that “the lights are on, but no one is home”.  You may be picking up visual clues to give you this information, but you’d probably still be getting a lot of it even if they were each covered with a blanket.  What you are doing is using your higher senses to feel their energy without thinking about it.  It is part of the sensing system that our ancient ancestors evolved to survive in a dangerous world, but because our current times are relatively safe compared to dodging saber-toothed tigers, this system has fallen into background of Human awareness in “developed” cultures.

Brad Silberberg relates an experience he had with a woman who wanted to sense energy but wasn’t aware of it:

I met a woman who was working in a small health food store who wanted desperately to “feel” energy.  I told her she already was, but that she simply wasn’t noticing it.  Things were very quiet in the store, so her manager gave her permission to go into the little office room with me for a few minutes.  I sat down next to her and asked her if she could feel her own presence.  She looked quite puzzled and replied that she could not.

“Close your eyes,” I said, “Can you feel me sitting next to you without looking?”
“Yes,” she replied.
“OK then,” I said, “I'm going to move over here (crossing the room).  Did you feel something change?”
“Why, yes, I did!” she answered excitedly.

I came back and sat next to her.  “Can you feel me sitting next to you again?”, I said.
“Yes, I am,” she replied.
“What are you feeling that moved over there and back?  You’re feeling my energy, my presence, my I-am-here-ness,” I explained.
“Now,” I said, “can you feel that same thing about yourself?”

A startled look came over her face.  “Oh, my God!”, she exclaimed, “what IS that?!!”
“You’re feeling your own presence, your own I-am-sitting-right-here-ness,” I replied.

Her mouth fell open and then she started to cry.  “I’ve never felt that before,” she wailed, “I’ve never felt that part of me.”
“That’s where our awareness needs to start,” I told her, “with noticing our own Spiritual nature.”

The thing that we notice most easily is CHANGE (like someone’s presence moving across the room), in part because we would just go nuts if we were constantly noticing every little static situation (like our OWN presence).  When you put on a shirt, you feel it against your skin. You don't spend all day noticing your "I-have-a shirt-on-ness."  We take notice when we feel a room turn from hot to cold when the air conditioning is turned on or feel a hand press on our skin when there was nothing there before.  We notice change most easily when we are PAYING ATTENTION to what is changing.  That's the first part of the equation and the key to perception and eventual enlightenment.  The second part is just a lot of practice feeling energies and noticing their subtle differences.  Think of a professional wine taster; he takes a swig of wine (Blindfolded, of course!) and proceeds to tell you that it was bottled in 1968 in Bordeaux, France at 11am on a Sunday in October and that it had spent 11-1/4 months in an oak barrel.  How does he know all that?  He's tasted a whole lot of wine and peeked at all of the labels to get to the point of acquiring great discernment, becoming a connoisseur in the process.

The third and maybe most important component for energy discernment is being mentally OPEN TO IT and allowing yourself to sense it.  If we are not open to noticing it or even blocking the sensation by closing the safety shutters on our energy system, it’s like having our Geiger counter turned off when we are trying to measure nuclear radiation.  Most people tend to shut down their own personal energy emanations (or aura) rather than allowing in “the other” and facing the emotional risks involved.  This is a protective maneuver we do out of limiting beliefs, fear, lack of trust, and because most of those around us are also shut down, so we mirror it unconsciously.  It is also a self preserving habit to keep out some of the ever growing energy bombardment from people, places, things, light pollution, cell phones, air and car traffic, microwaves, TV and radio broadcasts, power lines, computer screens, etc., that is stressing people out and making them sick.  These energies can also clog up our Human energy system and keep us from perceiving movement and changes that we might otherwise notice.

Lastly, releasing disappointment from past experiences and holding the intention that you will eventually be able to feel these subtle/spiritual energies will magnetize you for actually achieving it.  Remember that you cannot fail until you stop making attempts to succeed, so hold a lot of crystals, get involved in energy healing, engage in psychic practice exercises, and handle or work with energy devices like our Mesa Creative Arts Tools for Transformation and Healing.  Not only will you hone your sensing abilities, but you will receive healing in the process that will open and enhance them.

Staying open to energy

Besides unbalanced Earth energies (geopathic stress) and electromagnetic smog, the negativity of Humanity’s mass consciousness is one of the greatest sources of unbalanced energy that we are exposed to every day.  Other people’s fear, anger, pain, grief, etc, can drain us or induce resonance to those emotions in our own systems.  It’s important to be aware of this process and find ways to keep from absorbing these energies.  One way is to use our minds to make ourselves less like an absorbing sponge and more like a window screen, allowing things to simply flow through us instead of needing periodic “wringing out” to stay energetically healthy.  Along with natural healing modalities that release energy, our Tools for Transformation and Healing may be just what’s needed to help release what might otherwise accumulate.  It also helps to RADIATE.


There are practical ways to stay open to what comes our way while remaining healthy and radiant.  One way is by using our intention to be an receiver-transmitter for higher energies from Creation.  We can use our awareness to take in those life-giving subtle energies from Nature, God/Source, and The Universe, and radiate them back out.  The more we remember to radiate, the more we can take in and the more we take in, the more we can send out.  The more we are able to radiate, the more relaxed we are.  The more relaxed we are, the more we can feel and notice.  Radiating also protects us through a process of giving away instead of fearful shielding and helps us to clear our own energy systems.  Think about trying to push dirt and stones into the end of a garden hose with a forceful stream of water coming out of it.  If the water is turned off, it’s far easier to do.  The good news is that there is no shortage of “water” (spiritual or life-force energy) for you to draw from and radiate.  Holding back (NOT radiating) is a stressed state that most people don't even know they are in.

You see, each one of us is an antenna for Source/God Energy.  We are here (in part) to receive it, slow down its very high frequency with our chakras (subtle energy centers in our bodies), and radiate it back out to the Earth, Nature, and Humanity through our aura.  We have demonstrated the difference in how this feels to others by asking people to turn on their energy "radar" while we stand in front of them and consciously pulling in our aura as hard and as tight as we can.  They will usually say they feel "quietness", "coldness", and/or a pulling or sucking sensation.  As we release our aura (It's very uncomfortable to hold in for long) people often say; "You came back!"

When people shut down and stop radiating their auric light they become like a Black Hole, sucking in energy from all around them and sending it off-planet to who knows where.  (You’ve probably met someone who was in such a bad or sad mood that they seemed to suck the very oxygen out of the room.)  Each one of us who is radiating counteracts the effects of many Black Holes.  It can take some practice to let your Light shine and our Tools for Transformation and Healing can help you by unclogging your energy systems, healing your thoughts and emotions, and increasing your vibrational frequency directly or indirectly.  It's still up to you to choose to be a Shining Star or Black Hole.  Remember that radiating your Light keeps the flowers opening, the birds singing, the rivers flowing, and the Earth turning.  Do you really want to NOT radiate?

What might subtle and spiritual energies FEEL like?

One of the most common experiences people have had that’s like that of feeling energy move through them is BLUSHING.  The sensation starts in your face, but then rapidly spreads through your whole body.  That rush of adrenaline that causes the blood vessels in your face to dilate goes through your whole system in seconds and so does the emotional energy that set it off.

“OK,” you might say, “so you’ve told me all about these subtle energies, but how do I deal with or discuss them if I can’t describe them even to myself?”  People are still finding language to talk about the complex nature of what they feel.  You probably know what Love feels like to you, but can you really describe what it feels like inside of your body when you are feeling Love?  Here's a little meditation/exercise to help you do some sensing and practice discernment:

Close your eyes and just feel what your are feeling right now.  (Noticing what you are noticing is called being CONSCIOUS.)  Take a little tour of your body and awareness from your feet to your head, pausing first to sense how your feet feel.  Are they tired, tingling, relaxed, aching?  Next move up to your knees and tune in there.  How do they feel?  Now move up to your pelvis.  Are you relaxed or tense there, hot or cold?  Do you feel pressure anywhere?  Is your chest tight or expanded and relaxed?  Are your shoulders sore?  Is your neck stiff?  Turn your attention to your jaw.  Are you gritting your teeth?  Is your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth?  Are your eyes tired, burning, or cool?  Can you feel wrinkles in your forehead or is it calm?  Is the top of your head itching or tingling?  Do you feel dense or loose, warm or cold, calm or nervous?  Now you’ve gone completed that tour so you'll more easily pick up on it if some sensation were to change.  Now pick up a crystal, touch a plant, put your hand on someone's heart, or hold a Tool for Transformation and Healing.  Does something change in your awareness?  Can you describe it?  If you’re not noticing anything different you’re still OK, but you may be resisting the whole idea of this energy or your internal "meter" may be shut down-- energetically in protective mode.  Try this:

First, take a deep breath and let it out. Think about radiating light, sound, or heat out from your body in all directions.  Close your eyes, put your hands on your heart, say "RADIATE" and move your hands out to the sides until your arms are straight out.  Can you feel your energy system open up?  Now pick up that crystal and see what changes you feel.  You may still have to open the protective "doorway" in your wrist that keeps everything you touch from entering your energy system through your hand.  Just envision a door (however you see it, as the door to your house, a garden gate, or a big iron prison door) at your wrist and envision that door opening.  Can you trust enough to let the energy and consciousness of the crystal enter now?  Can you even send your consciousness out to meet it?  What do you feel now?  Need some words/concepts to fill things out?

Here are some ways we use to describe how these energies feel to us that might help you increase your awareness of them.  They may be sensed with the hand or all over the body:

  • Buzzing or tingling, like when your leg is asleep.
  • Prickly, like static electricity.
  • A feeling of heat without a heat source. (Usually denotes a LOT of energy moving.)
  • A feeling of cold without a physical source.
  • A sense of a rising or falling pitch without any audible sound.
  • A feeling of something flowing through you like wind or a stream or current of warm water.
  • A feeling like a wave passing through you.
  • A sense that some other Being, like an angel or ghost has stepped inside of you (“incorporation”)
  • Pressure or a pushing sensation with nothing touching you.
  • A pulsing sensation that is not in time with your heartbeat. (Usually a balancing "Healing Pulse".)
  • A sensation of bubbles rising like carbonated water or Alka-Seltzer.
  • A "clanging" sensation like striking a piece of metal held in your hand with a hammer.
  • A spinning or spiraling sensation.
  • A fluttering or shimmering sensation.
  • A sensation like a change in altitude or barometric pressure.
  • A sense of lightness that wasn't present before.
  • A sense of expansion in some way.
  • A shift in consciousness like meditation or falling asleep.
  • A sudden sigh or yawn. (Denotes that you are getting relieved of something by what you came into contact with.)

Many people don’t recognize the signs of their energy system in movement or release.  Here are some signs that built up energy is being released from a person’s system on the physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual level:

  • Crying
  • Laughing
  • Muscle twitching/releasing
  • Yelling
  • Coughing
  • Vomiting
  • Burping
  • Flatulence
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Sighing
  • Yawning
  • Vibrating or buzzing, especially in the feet, hands, head, or sex organs

(To understand more about Spiritual and Subtle Energies, see our “What is Energy” page.  To learn more about Subtle energy “hygiene”, see our “Clearing, Charging, Activating” page.)

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Brad Silberberg is an artist and holistic healer who envisioned The Mesa Creative Arts Center and Mesa Healing Center as a place of awakening for art, healing, and spiritual expansion.

Mesa Creative Arts, Inc.,   30 Miller Business Park Drive, Burgettstown, PA 15021    (724) 947-3097

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